![]() 04/20/2016 at 16:38 • Filed to: los ojos | ![]() | ![]() |
Buffer Image...Anyway, do any Oppos have an opinion on glasses v. contacts? I’ve been wearing contacts since 2007 and am no longer covered under insurance for any further eye care related expenses. That means in two weeks to a month from now, I’m going to have to do something about that.
I can pay $80 plus the per box price of contacts (the ones I wear are roughly $23 per box, per eye, totaling $250-$300 a year), or pay $80 for some designer frames and not have to worry about the perils of contacts ever again. Is it worth it?
I got away from glasses because the guy me looked pretty fugly in them, but girl me looks pretty cute (I think?) in glasses, so I could totally do them again?
Plus, no more scratched corneas, daily contact cleaning routines, scratching my eyes with hella long fingernails, or not being able to fall asleep while watching Netflix!
Comparison photos:
Me now (complete with my own hair!).
Me wearing (almost a year ago) a random pair of glasses that I found (these aren’t representative of the glasses I’d get).
![]() 04/20/2016 at 16:42 |
A) transition lenses are the shit
B) don’t have to put shit near your eye
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I have both but I honestly prefer wearing glasses.
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I know perfectly well that I look better without glasses, but because I’m legendarily cheap and like to protect my eyes from flying objects I’m wearing a set of glasses with polycarb lenses that are something like seven years old.
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I wear glasses 99% of the time. I do have some contacts, but I only wear them if I’m doing a track day or autox and will be wearing my helmet. I have the kind of contacts you wear once and throw away, since they are easier and it’s not good for them to sit in the cleaning stuff between uses for long periods of time.
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Glasses: 1 year. Contacts: 24 years and counting. I would never go back, but I might consider glasses again if I didn’t sweat much (Alabama? Summertime? LOL.) and if I wasn’t very active. Those two things keep me in contacts. Also, don’t oversell the “cheapness” of glasses. Once you get half-decent lenses put in there, that’s $200-$300 on top of the frames — albeit one time, not every year.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 16:43 |
Glasses are the way to go. Find a pair that you like, and you can re-use the frames with new lenses each year (granted you’ll have to give them up when you get new lenses fitted).
![]() 04/20/2016 at 16:44 |
I’ve worn glasses for most of my life. I can’t do contacts for a very simple reason. I have an intense phobia of anything coming close to my eyes. Yes, I know you get used to stabbing yourself in the eye to insert or remove contacts, but I just have this roadblock.
You can totally rock the cute glasses look.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 16:47 |
I’m a glasses guy from way back. You don’t have to mess with solution or putting them in and if you’re in a situation where there is a lot of dust or crap in the air you can just take them off. Plus I like having built in sunglasses.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 16:48 |
I have worn glasses for 40 years. Last year, I got contacts because I was playing my trumpet on stage in an opera. They sucked. I hated them. What I hated most was that I couldn’t see anything up close. With glasses, you put them on and you’re good to go. No sticking your fingers in your eyes. No solution. You can sleep with your glasses on. Glasses have become stylish and they are “in” these days. And I second what SaveTheIntegras said. Transition lenses suck. If you really want sunglasses, get a dedicated pair of sunglasses. Once you get your Rx from the optometrist, you can get glasses online relatively cheaply. I’ve heard good things about Zenni Optical . Those glasses in the last photo actually look pretty good.
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I don’t sweat at all. It’s not fucking worth it.
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I’m considering moving to contacts just so I don’t have to deal with perpetually dirty glasses and glare off of every light source at night.
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Glasses... I never wore contacts but looking at all the annoyances they cause my sister, I decided it’s not worth it.
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Glasses, cheaper in the long run helps to keep stuff from poking in the eye balls
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I put my contacts in and don’t worry about them for about a month or sometimes even two months.
Sleep with them on and don’t take it out until it gets uncomfortable.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 16:59 |
Heh. I know my prescription and I know of a good online source for glasses + lenses. I came up with that $80 ($100+ after taxes and such) figure after doing research. I can’t seem to get new contacts for any less than $250 unless I bought them staggered through the year.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 17:01 |
Honestly, even now, I haaaaate putting them in my eye...especially with pointy long nails.
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Thankfully for me, it seems the degradation of my eyes has slowed down...I’ve been the same script for the past 3 years! :)
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yeah I was given the option years ago of glasses v contacts. Took me about a second to decide I’d rather have glasses than put stuff near and in my eye
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Contacts just bother my eyes by the end of the day. Even the new ones (tried the latest and greatest a few months ago).
For my glasses I went with zennioptical.com. I’m extremely happy with them. I was under $50 shipped with nice upgrades on the lenses.
I’ve ordered through them for my son as well. Very satisfied.
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That’s the problem I have with my contacts lol...First week is full of clarity, second week is full of absolute horror. Halos, halos everywhere!
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Mine feel terrible usually after only a night or two of sleeping in them. Doctor said it’s something about how my eyes move when I sleep, or something like that.
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I’ve worn glasses since 3rd grade(am now 32). I started wearing contacts part time 2 years ago mostly for track days and outdoor events where sunglasses would be nice. 95% of the time I still wear my glasses. On track days though, the fact that transition lenses don’t transition while in the car makes them less useful. Especially if turn 1 happens to be directly into the sun as you track out.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 17:22 |
That’s really quite bad for your eyes.
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Hmmm...you’re the second to mention using contacts mostly for the track. I never thought of them to be better for that! :)
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Well heck, only reason I got the contacts is because I hated how I looked with glasses...but then again, it turned out that I just hated myself and needed to upgrade to version 2.0 lol
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Scratched corneas for days!!
![]() 04/20/2016 at 17:26 |
HOLY SMOKES! Those are outrageously cute and pocket friendly. Like wow.
And I do agree, back when I wore glasses, I tried on my then girlfriend’s (dated her for 4 days, ha) transition lenses...they were tinting in the hallways of high school...why transitons, why? lol
![]() 04/20/2016 at 17:26 |
Contacts scare the absolute shit out of me. Ray Bans for life.
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I’ve been wearing contacts since I was 9 and I wear them every day but i never sleep overnight with them in. I usually switch to my glasses when I get home from work and know Im not going anywhere. For me it has just become a routine.
Additionally, Im one of those douche bags who wears sunglasses pretty much whenever I’m outside and it’s remotely bright. Sunglasses with a prescription are heinously expensive and the clip over ones look like shit IMO.
I’d recommend sticking with the contacts but you should have a pair of glasses as back up anyway.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 17:30 |
Because I treat sunglasses like they are disposable, but still wanted prescription ones, I just got some cheapo Walmart ones. They actually aren't that bad, and I got two pairs with nice thin lenses for under $100. And I've actually had them for two years now which is a record.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 17:34 |
I would never get contacts. I cant even stand eye drops, plus I cant wear em at work, because industrial cleaners melt contacts to your eyes :)
Glasses are the best or laser surgury, but im too chicken for that. Its the eye slicing and the little vision block thingy they put inside so the laser shapes your lens and not further blind you. Nope nope nope.
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I’m the polar opposite. I’ve running a pair of polarized Ray Ban Wayfarer for like 4 years now. They are scratched and dinged up a bit but I’m getting my money’s worth out of them.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 17:35 |
I had transitions back in high school. They were always dark. All the pictures of me back then, including my senior picture, look like I’m wearing shades. Mind you, they’ve probably come a long way since then. But I’m much happier with dedicated sunglasses, though carrying them around can be a pain. But I don’t carry a purse......
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Interestingly enough, I’ve learned to live with the limitations of contacts because the premise of them being 100% free and made me look better. Plus, I didn’t live much of a life, so nothing to worry about! But, now I’m an active person and those limitations are becoming more and more prominent...plus, look at my morning schedule!
1. Wake up. >_>
2. Take off sleeping cap (protects my hair from damage).
3. Put on shower cap.
4. Shower.
5. Shave in shower. (damn you body/facial hair) >_<
6. Exit shower, dry body then remove shower cap.
7. Open contacts case, proceed to clean contacts.
8. Put on contacts.
9. Scream in pain as I discover one got damaged the day before or that the solution hasn’t yet settled.
10. Pain subsides, put on clothes. (if pain didn’t subside, throw away contact, get new one)
11. Plug in hot brush.
12. Brush iron hair.
13. Take hormone pills.
14. Put on bare minimum makeup (I never go all out anymore).
15. Put on bracelets and watch.
16. Collect things I need for the day.
17. Leave.
Total time: 1:30 to 2 hours. *sigh* And to think, I used to be able to wake up and get out of the house in 20 minutes.
Waaaaaaaaa? That site is freaking epic!!
![]() 04/20/2016 at 17:46 |
Glasses all the way.
1: I think I look better with glasses than without
2: I’m clumsy. I like having something protective in front of my eyes. I can’t count the number of times I’ve avoided injury from cooking, debris, drumsticks (I play) etc.. because they hit the glasses and not my eyes.
3: I tried contacts for about 1.5 years and they always felt like crap, and my eyes dried out horribly. The final nail in the coffin was one day taking a corner a bit aggressively and one slid off the center of my eye leaving me partially blind mid corner. FUCK. THAT.
Also, I love transitions. They’ve come a long way and while I do have dedicated prescription sunglasses for driving, transitions are great when you are running errands/going in and out and don’t want to worry about switching glasses, or looking like the doofus who wears sunglasses inside the supermarket (I do that occasionally out of laziness haha).
I’ve always had good luck ordering from zenni and selectspecs websites.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 17:49 |
You have to have the right contacts I guess. Mine are rated for only 2 weeks but they last more than a month and I never have to bother with taking them out until I replace them.
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I’ve had check ups and the eye docs can’t tell I do this. It feels fine and I don’t spend money on contact solution or add a routine every time I sleep/wake.
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glasses also cause issues with fogging over when you fully close the face shield. contacts have no such issues
![]() 04/20/2016 at 18:02 |
Mine are rated for two weeks as well...Acuvue Advanced! I could never sleep in them for more than three days before they become trashed. :(
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Oh yeah I used those before I switched. Acuvue gets ruined by sleeping them. They suck. use Biomedics 55. I sleep in them for months. Waaaay more comfortable than Acuvue. Not at the start, because Acuvue feels good the first 3 days, then turns to glass by the end of the week. These will feel not as soft when you first put it on, but it will stay the same for a month.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 18:59 |
I’ve had glasses since last year, family genetic condition that was passed down from my dad and grandpa. I’ve never tried contacts, but I have no plans on doing so. I just am not a fan of the idea of sticking anything near my eye, plus their finite resources that require you to restock, and that costs money I don’t have. Glasses are far easier to apply, and other than cleaning the lenses when they get grody, are hassle free in the long run. Plus, I look much better wearing glasses than I do without (not that I look good anyway), and I find women who wear glasses more attractive. That last one’s just me though.
Alternatively, if you wish to take the plunge or have the cash, you can always do what my dad did and get LASIK surgery instead. I'm not keen on that though, I don't care if it's not dangerous, I ain't putting no damn laser near my cornea.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 20:30 |
Rock the glasses and own it :D
![]() 04/20/2016 at 21:08 |
I’ve been wearing contacts for 11 years now, I had glasses before that but they kept getting broken when I played sports. I have glasses as well, for the evenings and mornings to keep the time with contacts in down. I personally don’t like driving with glasses unless necessary, mostly because of the lack of peripheral vision, but also the slight change in depth perception can be a challenge since I’m so accustomed to my contacts. The system I decided to stick with is to have up to date glasses (my prescription has been slowly getting worse, another -.050 every 2 years or so), and buy contacts when I can afford to. I have been able to afford to so far, but it’s nice to have the up to day glasses as a potential fallback.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 21:09 |
It’s really not good for your eyes to sleep with them in, they’re generally only supposed to be worn for 10-12 hours a day
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Yeah well I’m having no side effects from extending their life 100x.
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That’s good, but it’s probably more down to luck that you’ve had no problems. It’s really easy for infections to start between the lens and your eye, which is why you’re supposed to clean them, every day you use them.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 21:49 |
Oh..that does remind me of a few times I got eye infections. I would wake up with crust shutting my eye shut. And it’d be really red and itchy. it would take like weeks to go away.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 21:55 |
Yeah, that would be a direct side effect of sleeping with your contacts in.
![]() 04/20/2016 at 22:12 |
Sounds like me. Got contacts at 10. I can't get prescription sunglasses that would actually be big enough to block light like my $10 ones. I also hate having blurry peripheral vision.
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I can either get glasses only or both. I can't stand wearing glasses for several reasons but I need them for when I'm tired of contacts. And I wish I could get them for $250 a year...hah. Right now I'm running about $700 for both and I can't even afford the contacts that would really help me see.
![]() 01/20/2019 at 02:54 |
I’m 22 years old and I have worn glasses ever since I was 3 years old. My eyesight is so bad I wear trifocals now. I love wearing glasses. I wear them all the time. Even when I’m swimming, sleeping, and taking a shower. Not only because I need them to se e ( I’m pretty much blund without them), but also because m en always tell me that my glasses make me look even hotter than I’d be without them, and men always tell me I’m the most beautiful girl they have ever seen . I love the way my glasses feel on me too. My glasses are very bright pink just like everything I wear. I actually considered it a blessing to have bad eyesight since I get to wear glasses, making me look even hotter than ai already am. I would never wear contacts or get Lasik. Don’t think I could ever stand to not wear my glasses for even a second.